"Speed Speed Speed! A massive improvement is the timesaving reduction in the duplication of tasks and email back and forths."

James Rea Jr.
 SuperOkay Power User

James Rea owns a Video & Media Production company called Belfast Bohemian Productions and has implemented SuperOkay as a Client Portal solution with all his clients.

"The ability to communicate quickly and efficiently with clients on a platform that looks great(...)"

What challenges were you facing in your business before using SuperOkay?

"A need to be more organised and to improve communication with clients quickly and easily in both directions from us to clients and from clients to us."

How has SuperOkay specifically helped you overcome those challenges?

"The ability to communicate quickly and efficiently with clients on a platform that looks great and allows clients to upload and download files for various projects."

Can you give an example of a project or task where SuperOkay made a significant impact?

"One of our recent design clients was able to view/ download logo design files from all within the platform."

What features of SuperOkay do you find most valuable, and why?

"Tasks section within projects I've found significantly helpful and useful, the ability to make updates and comments that can immediately be sent to clients once created, is an amazing time saver! The shared folder allowing ease of file and document sharing easily within a single platform is truly wonderful too."

How has using SuperOkay affected your team's productivity or efficiency?

"As a sole trader, it has helped me to be more organised and effective in my workflow and improves my client relationships."

How has SuperOkay helped improve your client interactions or project management? What do your clients say about using SuperOkay?

"Speed Speed Speed! A massive improvement is the timesaving reduction in the duplication of tasks and email back and forths. The Platform's two biggest bonuses are how the User Interface both looks professional and is extremely powerful and efficient in assisting in many business client tasks and relationship requirements."

Would you recommend SuperOkay to others? If so, what would you tell them?

"Without a doubt! SuperOkay is without doubt a huge benefit to any business, large or small. Easy to use, helps with so many of the everyday activities of client / business relationships that will be invaluable and essential to have in any business type or scale."

Get started now 💪

Exchange files, assign tasks, get approvals and sell services with a custom design client portal you can set up in 5 minutes.


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