"SuperOkay is a great software to manage our community of homeschooling."

Emerson Almeida
 SuperOkay Power User

Emerson Almeida owns a Homeschooling project called Educalar and has implemented SuperOkay as a Client Portal solution with all his clients.

"We can make articles, documents and materials easily available to our users."

What challenges were you facing in your business before using SuperOkay?

"With SuperOkay we have more organization. The parents can see documents much more easily."

How has SuperOkay specifically helped you overcome those challenges?

"It has a beautiful interface and is easy to use."

Can you give an example of a project or task where SuperOkay made a significant impact?

"With SuperOkay we can organize categories of documents and show it easily to our users."

What features of SuperOkay do you find most valuable, and why?

"I like the interface. That is important to us because our users need an easy interface to find what they need."

Would you recommend SuperOkay to others? If so, what would you tell them?

"Yes! SuperOkay is a great software to manage our community of homeschooling. We can use it to make articles, documents and materials easily available to our users."

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Exchange files, assign tasks, get approvals and sell services with a custom design client portal you can set up in 5 minutes.


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